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Djs Djs

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Brevia das Próximas Temporadas Star Wars The Clone Wars

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4ª Temporada: 2011-2012

  1. Water War
  2. Gungan Attack
  3. Prisoners
  4. Shadow Warrior
wars the clone wars

brevia da temporada star wars the clone wars

5ª Temporada: 2012-2013

  1. Secrets of Darth Plagueis
  2. Ancient Wars of Yoda
  3. Millennium Falcon Liberated Part 1
  4. Millennium Falcon Liberated Part 2
  5. IG88 Loyalty to None
  6. First Jedi Revealed
  7. Sith Holocrons of Darth Bane
  8. Young Qui-Gon Jinn on Hancarth Part 1
  9. Young Qui-Gon Jinn on Hancarth Part 2
  10. Rescue of Boba Fett
  11. Lightsaber Construction
  12. Dark Coruscant Underground
  13. Enter The Spice Mines of Kessel
  14. The Journal of the Whills
  15. The Enigma Dilemma
  16. Mysteries of the Rodar Wizards
  17. Ghosts of Rage
  18. Terror on Alderaan
  19. Roar of the Wookiees
  20. Kyber Crystal Revelation
  21. Desperation of Grentarik
  22. The Final Sacrifice- The Death of Ahsoka
